Kamis, 09 Januari 2020

Jimmy Page: The Anthology PDF

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Telecharger Livres Jimmy Page: The Anthology PDF


"Within the contents of this book, I wanted to include items from my personal archive that have played a part in my career over 60 years, to illustrate the detail behind the detail." – Jimmy Page From his early days as a young session musician, through his years on the world stage with Led Zeppelin, to his solo work and collaborations, Jimmy Page has lived a spectacular life in music. Throughout it all, he has amassed an extensive private archive of iconic guitars, stage costumes and personal memorabilia. Now, in The Anthology, Jimmy Page is granting exclusive access to his archive for the first time, and telling the inside story of his phenomenal career. In a new text of over 70,000 words, Jimmy Page guides the reader through hundreds of rare items, many of which are previously unseen, and others of mythic status, such as the Gibson double neck guitar, his dragon-emblazoned suit, his white embroidered poppy suit, and the outfit worn in the concert film The Song Remains the Same. Also included are handwritten diaries, correspondence, rare vinyl pressings, previously unpublished photographs and much, much more. Jimmy Page has personally selected each piece to be photographed in this book, which has been created with his full participation. The result is Jimmy Page: The Anthology. Both reflective and revealing, it is quite simply the legendary musician’s most comprehensive and fascinating account of his life to date.. Le Livres Jimmy Page: The Anthology PDF. Telecharger Livres Jimmy Page: The Anthology PDF. Le Livres PDF. Telecharger livres PDF.

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